Manhattan Bridge 4″x5″ shot

Well it’s been a while since I posted something, I was busy refining my “mirrorless” approach.

Here is my latest “usable” SpeedGraphic shot, taken the morning before hurricane Sandy struck NY.

I guess bringing spare FP4 sheet “just in case” was a good idea since the blackout prevented me from buying or processing any film sheet or roll during my stay (which is the least of concern when a hurricane stikes, I know…)



I can’t resist to the temptation to add a “behind the scenes” shot with a NEX+ CV 15mm, which is a bit unfair as it is overexposed and badly framed, being shot  “as is” while setting up the LF camera framing.

Making of Manhattan Bridge shot

About dreamlenses

Amateur photographer, seeking for photo gear (no matter film or digital) that keeps me from flare and distortion!
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5 Responses to Manhattan Bridge 4″x5″ shot

  1. Michael says:

    Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your blog on going to vintage large format. I am trying to get my Bauch Pressman 4X5 in order try LF.
    Light leaks in the bellows are holding me back. LOVED the LF Ankor work!

    • dreamlenses says:

      Thanks a lot Michael, sorry for the late answer I hadn’t checked my message for quite a long time (messing with an X-E1 coupled to a Contax G lens among other time eating leisures)
      LF definitely got me, the drawback is that I really have to get an interesting subject to carry my gear with me and spend the usual 15mn altogether time taking the shot. This leads me to quite conventional composition, but isn’t that sweet now that Instagram and smartphone ready to share pics overwhelm us?

      Hope to read from you soon.


  2. Adam says:

    Great shots! LF is really something, I have to try it one day.

    • dreamlenses says:

      Thank you 🙂
      Stepping into LF is not that expensive compared to nowadays lens and body prices.
      My used Speed Graphic cost me less than 150 euros, and the Schneider 90mm (Super angulon, 70’s version) 250 euros.
      A fews backs, a charging tent and you are set. What a feeling to compose on a huge ground glass and to be allowed to use f64 not minding diffraction (which of course is there but you can’t notice it on a human usable enlargement)

      Best regards


      • Adam says:

        I guess at first I just have to try how rubbish I would be at film 🙂
        Or maybe try a system like Fotodiox Rhinocam instead. As for me it would probably be more convenient to use, as my only camera is a NEX5N anyway. Although I am not sure it would give me a look like this.

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